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    Monday, January 3, 2011

    Tinkering as Learning

    Sto leggendo Revolutionary Road ma non ricordo chi ha detto un anno fa provocando una rivolta su Internazionale, che leggere romanzi ormai è inutile. Abbiamo una vita così frenetica e tante cose da imparare che è molto meglio sfruttare il tempo da dedicare alla lettura con saggi e libri che parlano del nostro campo di studi. Beh ai romanzi non rinuncio e non li troverò mai inutili. Spesso è molto meglio leggere un romanzo che passare una serata con pseudoamici. Comunque questo blog è sulla SEO e senza ombra di dubbio quello di cui si discute quest'anno è il social. La guerra Facebook-Google e l'importanza della condivisione. La pubblicità è cambiata, nessuno si fida se anonima, ce la deve fare un amico. Facebook è lì per quello!

    Cercando in rete letture social interessanti sono capitata sul blog ( la mente di flickr) che consiglia di leggere John Seely Brown e il suo nuovo Tinkering as Learning ( mi sono già innamorata del titolo), perchè è ciò che mi ha portato ad essere una seo. Questa lettura la prendo come un buon segno per ciò che voglio fare nel 2011. Ho trovato un bel po' di spunti interessanti nella bibliografia del libro (You Play World of Warcraft? You're Hired! LOL) :

    Learning for a World of Constant Change: Homo Sapiens, Homo Faber & Homo Ludens revisited Douglas Thomas & John Seely Brown, University of Southern California (paper presented at the 7th Glion Colloquium, June 2009)

    Why Virtual Worlds Can Matter (PDF) Douglas Thomas and JSB, International Journal of Learning and Media, 2009

    The Play of Imagination: Beyond the Literary Mind (PDF) Douglas Thomas and JSB

    From Engagement to Ecotone: Land-Grant Universities in the 21st Century
    , Change, Nove-Dec 2010, by John Seely Brown, Ann Pendleton-Jullian and Richard Adler

    Minds on Fire, by JSB and Richard P. Adler, Educause, January - February 2008

    Deep Listening (PDF) Simon Chadwick talks to John Seely Brown, independent co-chairman of the Center for the Edge and ex-director of Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center, about why researchers should step out of their comfort zones.

    Presentation: Re-Imagining Dewey for the 21st Century: Learning in/for the Digital Age by JSB

    Breakthough Ideas: The Gamer Disposition Harvard Business Review, John Seely Brown and Douglas Thomas, Feb 2008

    The Gamer Disposition Harvard Business Review "Conversation Starter" Blog (JSB and Douglas Thomas), February 14, 2008

    Are Gamers Born or Made? Harvard Business Review "Conversation Starter" Blog (JSB and Douglas Thomas), March 5, 2008

    The Power of Dispositions ACM Ubiquity, Volume 9, Issue 43, November 25 - December 1, 2008 by JSB and Douglas Thomas

    You Play World of Warcraft? You're Hired! Wired, April 2006 by JSB and Douglas Thomas

    JSB's Commencement Speeches: N.C. State (2009); University of Michigan 2005 (PDF) and CGU (2004)

    Entrepreneurial learning in the networked age: How new learning environments foster entrepreneurship and innovation (PDF) JSB with Max Senges and Howard Rheingold

    A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement: Achievements, Challenges, and New Opportunities, Report to The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Feb 2007, by Daniel E, Atkins, JSB, and Allen L. Hammond.

    How to Connect Technology and Passion in the Service of Learning, The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 2008

    Learning 2.0 - The Big Picture (PDF)

    Interview: John Seely Brown on Web 2.0 and the Culture of Learning (School 2.0, Part 6) from Steve Hargadon's blog

    Architecting School 2.0 from Wesley Fryer's blog: Moving at the Speed of Creativity

    Ex-PARC chief urges shift in engineering schools

    New Learning Environments for the 21st Century: EXPLORING THE EDGE Change Sep/Oct 2006

    Five Questions... for John Seely Brown
    eLearn Magazine

    New Learning Environments for the 21st Century

    University of Colorado System's 2005 Teaching with Technology Conference podcast + presentation jsb

    Keynote: From Push to Pull: Higher Education in the Digital Age Ohio Digital Commons for Education (ODCE) 2006 Conference The Convergence of Libraries, Learning and Technology

    Classic: Stolen Knowledge John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid, 1996

    Classic: The University in the Digital Age John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid, 1996

    Classic: Letter to A Young Researcher JSB at PARC

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